It’s In the Bag
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Plates had been cleared from the table. We settled into the living room next to our spouses. Before launching into our small group discussion that week, someone asked:
“Why did you decide to keep visiting our church?”
Some were invited by a family member. Some lived in the neighborhood nearby. Some had grown up there.
One of the wives spoke up with a bit of a smile: “It was the welcome bag.”
The couple recounted their first visit to our church. After attending the morning service and grabbing lunch out, they returned home to a welcome bag already sitting on their front porch, along with a hand-written note. They were struck by the effort made (not to mention the turnaround time!) and it stuck with them.
Now obviously, there was so much more that led them to eventually join our particular church community at the time. But it’s funny that something so small could make such a big impression.
Making an effort matters. And when families walk through the doors of our churches they need to know that we mean business when it comes to supporting them as the primary spiritual leaders in their home.
We’d love to help you do just that.
Click below to learn more about our bulk pricing discounts (up to 80% off!).
These customizable bulk bundles feature CDs filled with Scripture songs and companion family worship guides to help parents lead 15-minute devos at home – a perfect addition to welcome bags for new families or as gifts for your current families to use during at-home family worship moments.
Don’t see what you need? Contact us and we’ll create the bundle that’s right for you.
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