Caught By Surprise
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Why was I so surprised?
I scanned our choir room, taking in the sight of 40+ kids perched on the edges of their chairs. I was sitting alongside them as a helper, singing along to the songs Dave and I had recorded months earlier.
As a brand new worship song filled the room, they started singing along – almost immediately – despite having never heard it before.
Their eyes fixed on the lyric screen, they began matching the melody within moments.
I might have been there as a helper. But I don’t think they needed my help.
But isn’t that the way it works with kids? They continually surprise us at both how quickly they catch on and their desire to contribute in a meaningful way. And on this particular summer evening, our children’s worship choir rehearsal was no different.
They had never heard these songs before. Yet they brought with them an eagerness that would inspire most seasoned adult choirs.
Now don’t get me wrong. During our 75-minute weekly rehearsal there were plenty of requests to visit the bathroom, creative seating arrangements for our more “social” choir members – I even had a child come to me mid-rehearsal and tell me that her dog had died and that she missed him terribly!
It’s not neat. It’s not always what you expect. But training up kids to lead in worship is SO worth it. And you can do it!
Read more in Dave’s blog post “3 Reasons Your Church Needs a Children’s Worship Choir.”
We also have lots of resources to equip you for this. We’d even love to come join you for a Family Worship Night and lead alongside your kids!
Send us a message. We’d love to talk you through how to launch a Children’s Worship Choir of your own.
One thing we can guarantee – if you let kids take the lead, they’ll surely surprise you in more ways than one.
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